Fifty four : চুয়ান্ন;
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1.Google-Translator 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia
Appropriate Prepositions
Annoyed for(কোনো কারনে বিরক্ত হওয়া): The officer was annoyed with the clerk for being late.
Burst out a laughter(হাসিতে ফেটে পড়া) He bursts out a laughter.
Convinced of (আশ্বস্ত): You are convinced of his product.
Monument to (স্মৃতিসৌধ): The monument to your right is a popular tourist attraction.
Refer to (সিদ্ধান্তের জন্য প্রেরণ করা): The matter was referred to the Chairman for a decision.
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At a discount (অনাদৃত) Female education is no longer at a discount now.
In a fix (মুশকিলে পতিত হওয়া): The man is in a fix with his new hairstyle.
Pick one’s pocket (পকেট মারা)— He tried to pick my pocket.
Sheet anchor (শেষ আশ্রয়; প্রধান অবলম্বন; আসল খুঁটি)— This small piece of land is his sheet anchor.
With the sweat of one’s brow (মাথার ঘাম পায়ে ফেলে) — He earns his livelihood with the sweat of his brow.